Oregano Leaf Tea

Every morning I like to have a cup of Oregano Leaf Tea. I buy it organic in bulk. Most of us use Oregano OIL… and yes – its mighty powerful! But the tea is a wonderful way to start your day, every day. Here are some of its benefits:

First, Oregano Leaf is a wonderful anti fungal and antibacterial. A cupful of oregano tea is an excellent anti-bacterial dose for the entire day. This particular mountain herb consists of oils known as thymol and carvacrol that are recognized to combat bacteria. Within the most recent study, researchers have discovered that the herb can easily battle bacterial infections brought on because of amoeba Giardia lamblia much better than tinidazol, a generally recommended drug. Regular consumption of oregano tea also helps in avoiding any type of microbe infections by suppressing their development. It is particularly useful for candida / fungal GI conditions.

A hot cup of oregano tea is a great treatment for menstrual cramps, bloating and minimizes abdominal pain.

Oregano tea helps with decreasing unwanted gas.

A parasitic problem is usually quite curable by consumption of oregano tea. This tea helps digestion of food and assimilation.

Its an excellent source of Vitamin C.

Helps respiratory issues.

Behaves as a stimulant – decreases fever and accelerates recovery.

Oregano tea works well for reducing muscle spasms. It also helps reduce joint problems.

Having a bath using its leaves can help you relax.

A cupful of oregano tea is an excellent home cure for sleeplessness.
Start Drinking some today – and see what it does for you!

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