Constipation – What You Need to Know

What, exactly is constipation? Every single day here at my office I hear what people believe constipation is. Some people think having a bowel movement every three days is normal, and others think a movement every single morning is proof they have healthy bowels. The word constipation means “to press or crowd together, to pack, to cram”. This would mean that packed accumulation of feces in the bowel makes evacuation difficult. With the large intestine or colon being approximately 5 [...]

Hemorrhoids and You

Hemorrhoids are veinous cushions around the anal opening which can be internal or external. Almost 50% of the Western population develops unhealthy hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, and in my profession I see the condition daily. Symptoms can be – swelling, itchiness, bleeding, irritation and pain. It can make life very uncomfortable – traveling, driving – sitting anywhere becomes an issue. Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the lower rectum and wall of the anus. It happens [...]