Hidden Sugars & Inflammatory Grains

Conventional advice has focused on low-fat diets for weight loss and heart disease prevention, but again and again, researchers are confirming that refined carbohydrates from sugars and grains is the primary culprit behind skyrocketing obesity rates, along with related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Historical data also clearly shows that when indigenous cultures abandon their traditional diets for a Western style diet high in sugar and flour, they inevitably begin to suffer these health problems, even [...]

Fungus: The Invisible Illness

Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus and exists within most people in limited amounts in the digestive tract from the mouth to the rectum. It loves dark, moist places as all fungus does. In healthy people, candida albicans exists in small colonies and is kept balanced by the beneficial bacteria which co-exist with it. Health problems arise when, because of a variety of causes, the body’s defense capability becomes deficient or weakens. When this happens, the controls that usually keep [...]

Migraine Headaches

Do you have them? They are a big problem and affect millions of people. You can take drugs, but really should be asking what is the root cause.   Sometimes these headaches are caused by peanuts,  eggs or dairy – food sensitivities. A food challenge test is just that – you eat the possibly offending food throughout a day – on its own, and we see what happens. Here is something interesting. I’ve had clients who were intolerant to eggs, and [...]